Friday, August 21, 2020

All About Mettre - Irregular French Verb

About Mettre - Irregular French Verb Mettre, which intends to put, is one of the most widely recognized French action words. It is unpredictable in conjugation and is found in various colloquial expressions.Using mettreMettre intends to put:   Jai mis les livres sur la table.   I put the books on the table.   Il faut mettre sa famille avant child travail.   You need to put your family before your work.   Mettez les mains en lair.   Put your hands in the air.   Il veut mettre de largent dans votre affaire.   He needs to place cash into your business.Mettre has different implications as well.1. to put on   Tu dois mettre un pull.   You need to get into a sweater.2. to invest energy on   Jai mis deux semaines le faire.   I went through about fourteen days doing it.3. to turn on, activate   Peux-tu mettre la radio ?   Could you turn on the radio?4. to suppose   Mettons quil a raison....   Supposing/Lets simply state that hes ri ght....Mettre thing infinitive intends to put something up/out/on to do something:   Jai mis de leau bouillir.   I put some water on to bubble.    Il doit mettre le linge sà ©cher.   He needs to put (hang) the clothing up to dry.Se mettreSe mettre likewise has a wide range of meanings.1. to put oneself   Mets-toi cã'tã © de ton frà ¨re.   Put yourself close to your sibling, Go sit/remain close to your brother.   Je dois me mettre lombre.   I need to get into the shade.(figurative)   Je ne sais pas oã ¹ me mettre.   I dont realize where to look/how to manage myself.â â â se mettre dans une circumstance dã ©licateâ â â to put/get oneself into a fragile situation2. to become (weather)   Il va se mettre au froid demain.   Its going to get/turn cold tomorrow.   Il sest mis au chaud.   It got hot.3. se mettre - to begin, set to, take up   Il sest enfin mis au travail.   He at long last began working.   Je vais me mettre la danse.   Im going to take up dancing.   Quand vas-tu te mettre à ©tudier ?   When are yo u going to begin/set about studying?Expressions with mettreâ â â mettre lessai - to put to the testâ â â mettre en help - to complement, bring out, emphasize   Il y a mis le tempsâ ! - He took as much time as is needed about it!â â â se mettre au rã ©gime - to go on a diet   More articulations with mettreConjugationsPresent tenseâ â â je metsâ â â tuâ metsâ â â il met   nous mettons   vous mettez   ils mettentAll tenses

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